Whipped up a batch of jerky for a recent road trip. After sharing pieces with fellow travelers at the Hells Canyon lookout, a trauma surgeon drove back in his car to ask for the recipe. His wife wrote it down on scrap paper as I dictated:
- ~3 pounds of steak, cut in slim strips. You can use flank, sirlion, London Broil, or whatever suits your preference. I used slim flank for this batch, and cut pieces into half inch wide strips.
- 1/2 cup soy sauce
- 1/4 cup Worchestershire sauce
- 2 gloves of minced garlic
- 4 tablespoons of Mesquite Liquid Smoke. (You could try hickory flavor as well)
- 1/8 cup ground black pepper
- 2 tablespoons Tabasco sauce. Add more if you like an additional punch.
Add marinade and beef in a mixing bowl, and mix thoroughly. Cover and let sit overnight.
Place individual pieces on your dehydrator trays and insert into the dehydrator. Dry approx 8 – 10 hours @ 155 degrees.
You can start eating them right away when done, no need to wait. Store in a plastic bag between snacking.