August 31, 2019 Start of the GDMBR Began the trail in Ovando then headed south for 2100 miles. Deep into big sky country now All-in-one: Grocery, shower, laundry, motel, and water Bikers can stay in a jail, tepee, or sheep wagon. Local tip is to pick the wagon – it’s warmer and has fewer bugs. Night time temps were in the 40s. Lots of climbing to do…here’s a view of the upcoming elevation profile Delighted to spend a rest day at Barb and John’s Llama Farm – they are wonderful hosts for Divide riders! Trail goes past an old abandoned silver mine Wide open country…all up or down. Nothing flat. Lava Mtn trail – this section was stupid hard, lot of hike-and-bike-and-puff. A wolf crossed the trail ~30 yards ahead of me. It took a quick glance over and kept going. Landed at Big Butte peak… …the day after it was used to shoot off fireworks for the Fourth of July… …to this view of Butte.