My Windows Phone 8 start screen

My WP8 start screen
My Windows Phone 8 start screen


This is three screen shots stitched together…

  • Press POWER button and START button simultaneously to capture a screen. Each capture is stored as a PNG file in your albums.
  • I use a variety of apps and saved web pages on my screen. Most of them are self describing.
  • The empty black space aligns where my thumb hits the screen…I keep it empty for a visual break among the meadow of boxes and so I don’t inadvertently launch an app.
  • I have two tiles for me: one near the top is for social catch-up, the one on the bottom is for professional use where I can just Tap-and-Send contact info as a business card.
  • I try to group other like-minded things: email, Office, maps, games, weather and traffic.
  • Settings tile currently stays high as I’m using it to fine tune colors.
  • Best used app not many people know about: RAD Now! …a free app with weather radar weather imagery.
  • All real estate is subject to change at any moment, I must have rearranged tiles and sizes at least a dozen times over the past week.


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