I slept here

Snapshots of some fun places where I spent the night…

On the rodeo grounds in Ellensburg
Wind is blowing the hammock sideways at Wenatchee State Park
On a gazebo in Lind WA
Cowboy camping in the Palouse
Tekoa WA city park — hammock pitch in the back
Ovando MT in the sheep wagon
Canyon Creek MT at Barb Nye’s trail angel haven. Thank you to Barb and John for helping me sort through my GPS issues!
Hammock pitch south of Wise River MT
Cattle drive passing through my site on Big Sheep Creek MT
Hammock hang in the Lima MT city shelter — two big storms came through that night!
Hammock hang at Red Rock Lakes Wildlife Refuge MT. So…many…mosquitos.
Set up tarp here in the back of the saloon in Hartsel CO. The porta-potties had just been delivered that day.
Hammock hang in Del Norte CO
On the picnic table at Mamacita’s
Tarp set up at Chaco Trading Post, Pueblo Pintado NM
Armijo Canyon in El Malpais National Monument NM, just north of Pie Town